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Contact: Zhao Liping
Add:Baoan 80 District Anyuan in building 206 room A

The five measures to control pollution of packagin
Release time:2014/6/5


Measure: the implementation of coal-fired facilities clean energy transformation, the construction of City District Six as the basic non coal zone. The project includes: Construction of four gas power center, instead of China, Beijing Shijingshan, Datang high well coal-fired units; more than 20 tons and scattered coal-fired boiler clean energy transformation implementation of district six city; city core area to complete remaining cottage, simple buildings heating clean energy transformation.

Step two: further strengthen the motor vehicle pollution control. Continue to phase out old vehicles, establishment of long-term mechanism to update out of old motor vehicle. Strive to eliminate all the "yellow label cars" and other high emission of old motor vehicle 400000 vehicles. Continuously improve the new car emissions standards, and strive in 2012 to the city of new light-duty gasoline vehicles, the implementation of country V emission standards for heavy-duty diesel trucks, and supply the corresponding standard vehicle fuel. To 2015, Beijing rail transportation will reach 660 km, to ease the traffic in Beijing.

Step three: out of a number of high polluting enterprises and backward technology. "Twelfth Five Year Plan" period, will focus on the exit 4 cement production enterprises; adjust the relocation of Beijing Eastern Petrochemical Co Dongfang Chemical Plant, building materials companies such as Limited by Share Ltd. The basic exit within the Fifth Ring Road, concrete mixing stations and cement component factory. Gradually withdraw from the asphalt waterproofing membrane, cupola furnace casting high pollution backward production techniques and gravel mining, flat glass and other polluting industries. Shutting down a number of scale of the following chemical and other polluting enterprises.

Step four: deepen the industrial pollution control. Carry out material storage system in the building materials industry closed transformation, control dust pollution; to carry out volatile organic compounds in the key industries of petrochemical, chemical manufacturing, automobile manufacturing, furniture manufacturing, industrial coating and packaging printing emissions management; development of new cement kiln and the outer suburb district central heating boiler flue gas denitration pollution control. Comprehensive implementation of pollutant discharge of industrial enterprises.

Step five: carry out comprehensive control dust pollution. Through the development of high performance wheels at the construction site cleaning technology demonstration and promotion, and measures to carry out Zhatu transport vehicles closed process modification, etc., strengthen the construction dust source control. Further improve the level of road sweeping and cleaning, prevent traffic dust. The ecological restoration and construction, control soil dust. Promote the construction of pollution control dust.

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  •                              Add:Baoan 80 District Anyuan in building 206 room A
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